5 Ways to Invest in Yourself

Learn 5 ways to invest in yourself and how you can invest in your art related career. It’s important to invest in yourself and your future. Your future self will thank you for making the investment. I’m also sharing 7 reasons you should invest in yourself. Here are 5 ways to invest in yourself - read more below.

What Does it Mean to Invest in Yourself?

Investing in yourself can feel scary, especially when you are spending a lot of money on the investment. Some examples of investments could be college or university tuition, a new computer, a DSLR camera, any gear or art supplies you need to produce your artwork, and so on. 

It’s important to remember that yes, you are spending money but you are making an investment in your future that will pay off in the end and you will be more than grateful that you made the investment. 

A good investment helps you save time, save money, feel more confident, and learn new skills quicker and easier than if you were to try learning them on your own. 

5 Ways to Invest in Yourself 

Purchase the Equipment You Need

If you need a new computer then purchase what you need. When it comes to technology, do your research. Technology, like a computer, helps you save time. As an art student you will need a computer for research, writing, organizing files of your art, email, and applying to different art calls. 

Having an old computer that is slow or doesn’t work half the time is only going to frustrate you when it dies and you have lost all your files, or it will be so slow that you are wasting time waiting for it to turn on restart. 

Invest in Your Education 

Attending an art school whether it is a college or university program is a great investment into your future art related career. When you go to apply to jobs, your education matters on your resume. You will be able to receive a higher salary by having related educational training to the job you are applying for. For competitive jobs, having an education and a clear set of desirable skills comes in handy and makes you stand out as an applicant! 

In art school, you will be able to learn a lot and really grow as an artist. You will be able to really refine your artistic skills, come up with better ideas and have an understanding of history and contemporary art related to your field whether it is graphic design, fashion design, or architecture.

Invest in Educational Resources 

Educational resources like books, courses, workshops, and training are all helpful to enhance the learning you do in art school. As a teacher, I believe in the importance of lifelong learning. There is always something new to learn.

Even adults regardless of their age or knowledge, have more they can learn. They can continue to learn, try new things and grow. 

Purchasing books and other educational materials helps you to learn and hear from different perspectives and to grow as a student. 

I have an art portfolio course that opens for registration only twice per year - If you are interested in joining the waitlist - click here to sign up!

Invest in Art Supplies You Need and Use Regularly

It is a great idea to invest in art supplies that you use on a regular basis. If you are a painter for example, then consider investing in high quality brushes. You will use them everyday and they will make a difference. Not only will the high quality last longer but often the artwork will look better and more professional when you are using high quality supplies.

Take a look at your budget and think about what art supplies could you invest in? You don’t need to invest in everything all at once. You can slowly invest in art supplies over time. 

You can also purchase invested supplies secondhand or ask for them as a gift from a family member to help cut costs. 

Invest in Coaching

Working one on one with a coach is a great way to really enhance your skills and increase your results quickly. Because you are working one on one with someone they are able to fully dedicate their time to you during your coaching session. 

I offer art portfolio coaching where I help high school students with preparing their art portfolio for college or university art applications. I help answer any questions, decide which artworks should be included in your portfolio and in what order, I help with how to take photographs of art and how to title your art. By having me as your coach I will help you stay accountable and meet your deadlines to achieve your goals without the stress and overwhelm! 

I also offer art coaching where I provide one on one assistance for beginners or intermediate students of any age including adults to help refine and build on your artistic skills whether you want to improve painting, drawing etc. I can help you! 

Click the button below to check out both coaching options! 

7 Reasons Why You Should Invest in Yourself 

Personal Growth

By investing in yourself you are able to skyrocket your personal growth. You are able to really grow and develop as an artist and as a person so much quicker and easier than if you didn’t invest in yourself! 

Better Progress- Learn from Professionals

Your progress continues to make large strides when you invest in yourself. You can learn from professionals who have already learned skills and gotten results that you don’t have. You have the chance to really grow when you have another person who is doing something or knowledgeable about something you want. 

Increased Confidence

When you are investing in yourself you can feel more confident in yourself and your future. Investing in yourself allows you to let go of anxiety, fear and overwhelm and instead feel more excited about the future and more confident in your abilities that you will succeed no matter what because you have done the work of the necessary training and learning. 

Better Health/Well-Being/Less Stress

Related to the previous reason, when you don’t have stress and overwhelm you will feel better and have better health and overall wellness. It sucks to feel stressed out all the time. It affects your sleep, and before you know it you are feeling sick again.

When you invest in yourself -through coaching, courses and education you don’t need to worry or stress because you know exactly what to do and how to do it. You have a clear path and process to follow and you don’t need to guess what steps to take. 

Improved Time Management/Save Time

After investing in yourself you can really save time. You have a clear path of steps to follow and you know how to take action and move forward when it comes to accomplishing your goals. You can save time because you aren’t having to guess, try, and fail. You aren’t having to Google everything and make up things as you go. You know exactly what to do because you invested in yourself. 

Increased Creativity/New Ideas

By investing in yourself you can explore new ideas and a heightened sense of creativity. You are able to see new perspectives and learn and grow as an artist. You will be encouraged to try new things with your art and experiment to help take your art to the next level. This all happens through going to art school.

Enhanced Decision Making/Critical Thinking

Investing in yourself helps you to really get clear at what you want. When you have that clarity you will have an easier time making decisions. You will also be able to really think critically about your own art and designs and be able to determine if what you have made is good enough to present and show to the world. 

If you are ready to go to art school or an arts-related program like architecture, interior design or graphic design, etc. I can help you with your application. I offer portfolio coaching for an hour or 30 min. Where I can help answer any questions, give guidance and help you in deciding what pieces to include in your portfolio. Click the button below to book your coaching session! 

I also have a FREE download of 10 tips to make your art portfolio application stand out and get accepted into the school of your dreams. Click the button below to download it! 


Don’t forget to hop on the waitlist to learn all about creating a successful art portfolio application