The Best Virtual Art Classes 

The best virtual art classes contain many elements. Virtual art classes are very popular right now with Covid-19 and having in-person art classes cancelled. With the digital age we live in, I don’t see virtual art classes going away in the future. Read on to learn more about the best virtual art classes.

The Best Virtual Art Classes 

  • Have personalized feedback for guests

  • Have a clear theme

  • Easy to follow instructions

  • Clear microphone (great sound quality)

  • Great visuals - use a camera and an overhead tripod

  • Great marketing for the class

  • A manageable class size - it should still be intimate like an in-person art class

  • Great lighting use a ring light or other lights

getting ready for the best virtual art classes

How to Design the Best Virtual Art Classes

  • Plan a topic make sure it is appropriate for the age or ability level

  • Write out a list of steps for your virtual art class so you are prepared (like a script)

  • Prepare a list of required art materials (you can also make art kits that contain the supplies needed for participants)

  • Do a test recording virtual art class with a friend to practice 

  • Test your audio and video settings on Zoom or a similar platform ahead of time

Inspiration for virtual art classes

best virtual art classes of painted clouds

I am hosting a virtual art class with the Region of Waterloo Libraries on Mar. 15 at 7pm on painting clouds. If you would like to attend please follow me on social media by clicking on the icons below! I will share more information on social media -make sure you are following along to hear about future workshops I am hosting!

The best way to learn about virtual art classes I run is to join my mailing list - you can download my beginner painter guide. You can join by downloading this FREE 16 page beginner painter guide that includes 10 common mistakes beginner painters make and how to avoid them, a road map of recommended video tutorials to help you transition from a beginner to an intermediate painter and some exclusive painting tutorials! 

Download it by clicking the button below!