How to Learn to Paint Landscapes 

Learning to paint landscapes can be difficult but I want to give you some tips! Here’s how to learn to paint landscapes. Read how to learn to paint landscapes below! 

How to Learn to Paint Landscapes -Tips 

  • Make sure you have a variety of greens 

  • Practice mixing greens and browns

  • Practice painting clouds 

  • Paint your sky from dark to light 

  • Paint details with a detail brush 

  • Make sure to paint highlights and shadows 

  • Work from photographs as inspiration 

  • Follow the landscape perspective

how to learn to paint landscapes

How to Learn to Paint Landscapes- Perspective

A landscape is divided into sections. The section closest to you is the foreground. After the foreground is the middleground and then at the back is the background. 

Whatever is in the foreground is brighter and larger. Whatever is in the background is further away and is bluer because of the atmosphere perspective. 

how to learn to paint landscapes

It helps to study photographs of landscapes as inspiration to really understand and take a look at the perspective and how the colours of a landscape change when comparing the foreground, middleground and background. 

The best tips for how to learn to paint landscapes is to keep practicing. 

The more you practice and paint the same landscape over and over the more you will learn. A lot of impressionist painters like Monet would do this. He would paint the same landscape each day and at different times of the day to notice how the landscape and the colours changed. So keep practicing! 

Want to improve your painting quickly - learn about painting coaching here!

Download my FREE Ebook - how to improve as a beginner painter!

Check out some of my landscape paintings to practice: 

Farmland Sunset Painting - to practice painting sunsets 

Painting Clouds -beginner tutorial to practice painting clouds 

Winter trees and Campfire painting  to practice painting trees

Abstract river painting to practice painting a river with a palette knife

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Related Articles: 

How to Paint Clouds

How to Paint Snow

Palette Knife Painting

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