How to Review Your Year

Learning how to review your year has many benefits. Reviewing your year is a valuable practice that can help you gain insight into your accomplishments, challenges, and personal growth over the past 12 months. You might be wondering how do I review my year or why should I review my year. Learn how to review your year in this post!

Why You Should Review Your Year: 

Reviewing your year can be a valuable practice for personal growth and development. Here are several reasons why you should consider reviewing your year:

  • Self-awareness: Reflecting on the past year allows you to gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your values, and your goals. It helps you identify your strengths and weaknesses, enabling you to make more informed decisions in the future.

  • Goal assessment: Reviewing your year provides an opportunity to assess the progress you've made toward your goals. You can celebrate your achievements and identify areas where you fell short, helping you set more realistic and achievable goals for the upcoming year.

  • Learning from experiences: By examining your experiences and challenges from the past year, you can extract valuable lessons and insights. This can help you avoid making the same mistakes and make better choices moving forward.

  • Gratitude and perspective: Reflecting on your year can help you cultivate gratitude by acknowledging the positive aspects of your life. It also provides a broader perspective on your journey, reminding you of the challenges you've overcome and the progress you've made.

  • Time management: Reviewing your year can reveal how you've spent your time. You can identify time-wasting activities and prioritize tasks that align with your goals and values, ultimately improving your time management skills.

  • Adjusting priorities: As your life evolves, so do your priorities. Reflecting on your year allows you to assess whether your current priorities are in alignment with your long-term goals and make adjustments if necessary. For me, this year adjusted my priorities as I had a new baby and became a mom, we also bought our first home and moved 4 hours away. A lot changed!

  • Motivation: Recognizing your accomplishments from the past year can boost your motivation and self-confidence. It can serve as a reminder of your capabilities and encourage you to pursue new challenges.

  • Planning for the future: A year-end review can be a foundation for setting goals and making plans for the upcoming year. It helps you clarify what you want to achieve and create a roadmap for getting there.

  • Emotional well-being: Reflecting on your year can be a cathartic process, allowing you to release pent-up emotions, acknowledge difficult experiences, and make peace with the past. This can contribute to improved emotional well-being.

  • Accountability: When you review your year, you take responsibility for your actions and decisions. This accountability can lead to personal growth and a greater sense of control over your life.

  • Relationships: Evaluating your interactions and relationships over the past year can help you identify areas where you want to improve your connections with others. It can also lead to better communication and understanding in your relationships.

  • Adaptation and resilience: Life is full of ups and downs. Reviewing your year can highlight your ability to adapt to challenges and bounce back from setbacks, reinforcing your resilience.

It is a great routine to set time to review your year at the end of the year but you should also check in on your goals regularly. Either monthly or once a quarter, whatever works best for you! 

How to Review Your Year

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to review your year effectively:

  • Set Aside Dedicated Time: Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can reflect without distractions. Allocate a specific block of time for this review, such as an hour or more.

  • Gather Materials: Bring any tools or materials you might need, such as a notebook, journal, calendar, or digital note-taking app.

  • Reflect on Your Goals: Start by revisiting the goals and resolutions you set at the beginning of the year. This could include personal, professional, health, financial, or any other areas of your life. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Did you achieve your goals? Why you think you didn’t achieve certain goals.

  • Which goals did you make progress on?

  • Were there any goals you didn't work on or abandoned?

  • Celebrate Achievements: Take time to celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem. Acknowledge your successes and give yourself credit for your hard work and dedication.

  • Analyze Challenges: Identify the obstacles and challenges you faced during the year. Consider why these challenges arose and how you dealt with them. Reflect on what you've learned from these experiences.

  • Assess Personal Growth: Reflect on your personal growth and development throughout the year. Consider areas where you've improved, gained new skills, or expanded your knowledge.

  • Review Relationships: Think about your relationships with family, friends, and colleagues. Are there any relationships that have changed or evolved over the year? Have you strengthened some connections or let go of others?

  • Health and Well-being: Review your physical and mental health. Consider your fitness, diet, and overall well-being. Are there any changes you want to make in the coming year?

  • Financial Review: Assess your financial situation. Review your budget, savings, investments, and spending habits. Are there financial goals you want to set for the upcoming year?

  • Review Calendar or Journal: Go through your calendar, journal, or planner to remind yourself of significant events, milestones, and experiences throughout the year. This can help jog your memory and provide a chronological perspective.

  • Identify Lessons Learned: Reflect on the lessons you've learned during the year, both positive and negative. Consider how these lessons can inform your decisions and actions in the future.

  • Set New Goals: Based on your reflections, set new goals for the upcoming year. Make them specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART goals).

  • Create an Action Plan: Outline the steps you need to take to achieve your new goals. Break them down into smaller, manageable tasks, and assign deadlines where applicable.

  • Express Gratitude: Take a moment to express gratitude for the positive aspects of the year. This can include people you're grateful for, experiences you cherish, or any other source of gratitude.

  • Document Your Review: Write down your reflections and insights in your chosen medium, whether it's a journal, digital document, or notes app. This documentation will serve as a valuable reference for future reviews.

  • Periodic Check-Ins: Consider conducting quarterly or monthly check-ins throughout the year to assess your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your goals and action plan.

  • Implement Changes: Use the insights gained from your year-end review to make positive changes in your life. Commit to your new goals and action plan, and track your progress throughout the year.

Make sure you set time in your calendar to review your year! You will be able to plan in check in on your progress so you can hit your goals! Remember as you review your goals and year it is okay for goals to change. Life happens! You might change your views when big life changes like having a baby, moving or starting a new career happen and that’s completely fine! 

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