How to Create a Natural Classroom Theme

In my classroom I choose to have a natural classroom theme. I make sure to add a lot of natural elements in my classroom and as a result my classroom is and looks peaceful. I am going to be sharing how I use  a natural classroom theme in my Montessori classroom. 

Here are Some Ideas for a Natural Classroom Theme

  • Incorporate lots of plants 

  • Avoid plastic bins or other plastics 

  • Add lots of wooden elements 

  • Add wicker baskets

  • Stone, glass or ceramics 

  • Add greenery

  • Add fresh flowers 

I teach at a private Montessori school. Montessori has the philosophy of decorating so that the room is not cluttered. Montessori finds that children learn best when their environment is organized and beautiful.  

What goes on the wall in a Montessori classroom should have purpose, not be distracting or look too cluttered. It’s important that any wall decorations match and blend in with their environment. The decorations should look like they belong in the space. 

You can read more about Montessori decoration here: 

Why a Natural Classroom Theme is Important to Montessori

Montessori believes in the philosophy of children taking care of and learning about the environment from an early age. That’s why a natural classroom theme is always incorporated. For example, by adding plants in your classroom it teaches children to take of plants, water them and care for them. 

Pine Blue and White Natural Classroom Theme Decor -click here

Palm Leaf Blue and White Natural Classroom Theme Decor -click here

Daisy Blue and White Natural Classroom Theme Decor -click here

By having less plastic items in the classroom it teaches kids about reducing plastics and the hard plastic has on the environment. This is why natural materials and  a natural classroom theme is preferred in the classroom. 

By adding  a natural classroom theme you can create a beautiful classroom that creates a sense of calm and peace while teaching students about the environment so they have an appreciation of nature.