Winter Trees Art Ideas

Winter trees art ideas are easy trees to paint for a beginner painter. In this blog post you will learn how to paint winter trees art ideas that you can incorporate in an acrylic winter landscape painting  of a forest or tree-filled area.  These winter trees art ideas are easy trees to paint that you will enjoy painting.

Take a look at the winter trees art ideas video below if you prefer to watch the painting tutorial instead. 

Winter Trees Art Ideas- Step by Step Instructions

Step 1: Paint the background

Start by painting the background on your canvas or canvas board. I like mixing cobalt blue with titanium white. You can paint a couple of coats so that the canvas is completely covered.

Step 2: Paint the trees

love using my number 6 round brush and round detail brush to paint the trees and branches. Since this is a winter trees art ideas none of the trees have leaves. You can start by painting vertical lines for the trunks. Some thick, some thin you want a variety. You can mix different greys and shades of blues for your trees and branches. Using your detail brush you can add in the branches- again aim for variety. Remember no tree is perfect or symmetrical so keep it loose and don’t spend a lot of time fussing about the perfect tree. 

Here is a link to the video to see how I did it. 

Step 3: add some splatter

You can watch my 5 steps for painting snow below and in this short video tutorial I show you how to paint snow easily. One of the methods I love is the splatter effect. You can dip your round brush in some titanium white paint and a little bit of water then spread the bristles apart as you raise your brush 6 inches away from the canvas. Keep doing this so that you capture the look of falling snow. 

Step 4: Add some texture with snow drifts

Again you can watch my video for tips on mixing snow here! But you want to make sure when you use a palette knife to not just add white. You can mix a variety of colours to paint more realistic snow. If you have never used a palette knife I encourage you to check out this video! Just like icing a cake you can scoop up some paint and spread it on the bottom part of the canvas. Don’t forget to mix in other colours. You can use your detail brush to add a tiny amount of colour to the white so that you don’t end up with pink or yellow snow and so that the snow still looks like snow! 

winter trees art ideas

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I hope you enjoyed this winter trees art ideas are easy trees to paint for a beginner painter. If you did be sure to subscribe to my youtube channel by clicking the button below! 

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winter trees art ideas