2023 Goals

Every year I like to make goals about my art and in my personal life. Here are my 2023 goals, read them below! Making goals each year is a great way to stay motivated and focused. A new year is a fresh start to begin to make changes you want to see happen in your life! Read my 2023 goals! 

2023 Goals in Art 

Below are the different categories of 2023 goals! 

Business 2023 Goals 

I want to have 500 email subscribers on my email list.

I want to try running ads on social media to help me grow my list.

I want to create 150 products on my TPT store - Jackie Partridge Art. 

I want to create 10 new designs on Society6 - Jackie Partridge.

Art Goals for 2023

I want to have 2-5 new art grants this year to fund my artwork. 

I want to have 5-10 art exhibitions this year. 

I want to set up a new studio in my new house.

I want to make cyanotypes and paper this year. 

Social Media 2023 Goals 

I want to have over 1000 followers on Instagram on both of my accounts - @jackiepartridge_ and @jackiepartridgeart

I want to have over 500 subscribers on YouTube - Jackie Partridge Art 

Revenue 2023 Goals 

I want to have consistent 3-4 figure months of sales on TPT.

I want to be able to make my salary through my art business this year. 

I want to do 2 art markets.

I want to get my artwork into a local shop. 

Personal  2023 Goals 

I want to make healthy food choices. 

I want to go for a walk daily. 

Family Goals for 2023

I want to go on a hike monthly and enjoy time in nature with my family a couple of times a month. I want to visit with family or friends once a month. I want to plan a family vacation or a couple of small getaways. I want to have a date night once a month when the baby is old enough. 

These are my 2023 goals! I would love to hear yours! Let me know on Instagram @JackiePartridgeArt or comment below in this post! 

Related Articles: 

Goals for 2022

Tips for Planning Your Year 

TPT Store

YouTube Channel

Society6 Store