2023 Year in Review

Here is my 2023 year in review. A lot happened this year both in my personal and professional life. There is a quote I think about often and that is, “don’t compare your day one to someone’s day 100.” So, if you are just starting out keep going! Read my 2023 year in review!

2023 Year in Review 

  • My Review of 2023 For Myself and Business 

2023 year in review- what a year. As I look back at this year a lot has happened! I found out I was pregnant in August 2022 after having a miscarriage in May 2022.

I laugh looking at some of these goals because I am and have always been overly ambitious and driven. A lot of these goals didn’t happen.. yet. But the personal changes that have happened in my life have of course been worth it! 

Even though not all my goals happened - it’s still important to celebrate them. This is something I struggle with. Do you struggle too?

Goals for 2023

I want to have 500 email subscribers on my email list. -I am still working on this

I want to have over 1000 followers on Instagram on both of my accounts - @jackiepartridge_ and @jackiepartridgeart. I have over 1000 on @JackiePartridgeArt. Make sure to follow my accounts! I appreciate your support!

I want to have over 500 subscribers on YouTube - Jackie Partridge Art

I have close to 400 Subscribers!

I want to try running ads on social media to help me grow my list. I haven’t tried this yet - but did try ads with my new book

I want to create 150 products on my TPT store - Jackie Partridge Art.  - I created over 100 and was happy with that!

I want to create 10 new designs on Society6 - Jackie Partridge. - I haven’t had time to add designs to this yet

Art Goals from 2023

I want to have 2-5 new art grants this year to fund my artwork.  - Didn’t have time!

I want to have 5-10 art exhibitions this year.  - I had 2

I want to set up a new studio in my new house. -It’s done- still needs to look pretty and tidy!

I want to make cyanotypes and paper this year.  - Didn’t have time!

Review of the Year 2023 

A lot of the goals I had for the year for my art and business didn’t happen. That’s okay this year has been very transitional and new to me with moving and having a baby. We are far from family and don’t have frequent help taking care of the baby. I am still pleased with the progress I have made on my goals. I know I am someone who is overly ambitious. 


2023 was a big year for me. Here are some major accomplishments I am proud of. 

  1. Had a healthy pregnancy and delivery of our son

  2. Bought our first home 

  3. Moved to Huntsville 

  4. Quit my job and started maternity leave

  5. Seeing my son grow and develop daily

  6. Walking and exercising regularly


  1. Created a large bundle of all my symmetry drawing 

  2. Created new YouTube videos 

  3. Grew my social media - Instagram - @JackiePartridgeArt to over 1000 followers

  4. Created over 100 products on TPT 

  5. Made more sales on TPT this year

  6. Created a symmetry drawing book of animals on Amazon!


  1. Had 2 exhibitions 

  2. Set up my home studio 

As always thank you for the continued support. Hope you had a great 2023 and an even better 2024! Click one of the icons below to connect with me on social media!