My Goals for 2024

Every year I make goals at the start of the year. I try to reflect on my goals throughout the year. I review my goals at the end of the year and think about why I achieved goals or didn’t and think about what goals I want to keep moving forward to the next year. Here are my goals for 2024 both in my personal life and business.

My Goals for 2024 

My Goals for 2024 -Personal Life 

My personal life in 2023 brought a lot of changes. We had a baby, bought our first home and moved to Muskoka, 3.5 hours away from family and friends. As I write this there are still boxes that need to be unpacked and I’m still learning motherhood as I go. 

Here are my personal life goals for 2024:

  • Continue walking and stretching daily 

  • Make art daily even if it is something small 

  • Get stronger - lift weights three times a week 

  • Go to local mom groups at least once a week to stay connected 

  • Talk to a friend or relative on the phone once a week 

  • Do something outside with my family on the weekends

My Goals for 2024 -Business 

  • 200 products on TPT 

  • 2000 people on my email list 

  • Run ads to market business 

  • 500-1000 YouTube subscribers

  • Create my art portfolio digital course - have a successful 4-5 figure launch! 

  • List 5 symmetry drawing books on Amazon 

  • Create one reel, tik tok and short per week 

  • Take my business full time by making more money than I did as a teacher 

These are my goals for 2024. I would love to hear what your goals are. Leave a comment if you are brave or send me a DM on Instagram @JackiePartridgeArt .Click one of the icons below to follow me on social media! 

Thank you for your support and being here on the journey! And following along my social media accounts listed above!

Related Articles:

Goals from 2023 

Art goal examples

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