3 Tips for Painting with Acrylics

Here are some tips for painting with acrylics to help you become a better acrylic painter in a short time! Acrylic painting can be a challenging new skill to learn. Often beginner painters make the same common mistakes in their paintings. I want to help you by sharing the  tips for painting with acrylics.  Keep reading to discover the tips for painting with acrylics!

 3 Tips for Painting with Acrylics

Mix Your Colours 

Beginner painters tend to use colours straight out of the tube of paint. This can make your paintings look flat and colours to not look realistic. It is important to practice your colour mixing skills. 

You can download my FREE mixing green and grey resource to help you! 

You can purchase my bundle of colour mixing resources and save 30% here! 

Play and Experiment 

It’s important to give yourself permission to play and have fun with your painting. Isn’t that why you started painting in the first place? Paint what you want to. Learn techniques, watch tutorials like my acrylic painting tutorials on YouTube and practice skills you have learned. 

There are no rules to painting. You can have fun with and paint what makes you happy. The more you experiment and play the more you will paint and the better you will become! 

Add Highlights and Shadows 

Something beginner painters can forget is to add highlights and shadows. These highlights and shadows allow your painting to look more realistic and natural. If something is close to a light source like the sun, an artificial light or a flame it should have a highlight (a lighter colour of that colour of paint). A part that is further away from the light source will have a shadow (a darker version of that colour of paint). 

Free Painting Guide for Beginners

If you found these 3 tips for painting with acrylics helpful then you will want to access my other 7 tips. You can download them below by clicking on the button! In this 12 page guide I share painting supplies you need to get started, 10 common mistakes beginner painters make and how you can avoid them and recommended tutorials as a roadmap of what to watch next. 

Just click on the button below to download the FREE guide!