How to Get Art Supplies for Free

It can be hard to get art supplies for your classroom or summer camp program. I want to show you how to get art supplies for free to make sure all the kiddos have enough art supplies to use. Learn how to get art supplies for free below! 

How to Get Art Supplies for Free


This may seem obvious but there are so many things you can create with recyclables. It’s also great to have kids explore and be creative with the materials to see what they can make/invent.

Here is a list of recyclables to save. Remember you can ask friends and family to save supplies for you too. You can even send a note home to parents with a list of requested supplies they can save. 

  • Egg cartons -can create fun textures and used in sculptures of animals, faces and more! 

  • Paper towel not toilet paper towel rolls -can be painted, cut and used in sculptures or as a tool to paint with 

  • Wrapping paper rolls- -can be painted, cut and used in sculptures or as a tool to paint with 

  • Washed styrofoam trays - you can carve into these, apply paint and use for printmaking

  • Plastic bottles - can be cut and used in sculptures 

  • Bottle caps - great for sculptures 

  • Popsicle sticks that have been washed  - great for sculptures or to apply glue

  • Empty Kleenex boxes  - great for sculptures

  • Old magazines - great for collage

  • Newspapers - great for collage or to protect tables when working on messy art

  • Old holiday cards/birthday cards - great for collage

  • Scrap tissue paper or wrapping paper - can send a reminder after the holidays -- great for collage

  • Juice tin lids on juice mix - great for sculptures or to trace circles 

  • Glass jars - great for storing art supplies, or to use when painting

  • Plastic flower pots  - great for sculptures

  • Cardboard boxes - great for sculptures

  • Cereal boxes  - great for sculptures

  • Margarine/sour cream tubs and lids - great for sculptures or to trace circles, or store art supplies   

  • Milk bags/plastic bags - great for students to take home art or to cut in strips and weave

  • Plastic cutlery -great to paint with or to apply glue

  • Old CDs- great for sculptures or mosaics 

  • Old ribbon, yarn, string - great for weaving 

Fabric Stores/Carpet Stores/Wallpaper Stores

You can contact these places to ask if they have any damaged materials they are getting rid of or if they have any old sample books they are getting rid of. Often times they are happy to declutter, while supporting young artists in the community 

Free Groups on Facebook

There are lots of Free/Giveaway groups on Facebook within your local community where people are posting items, old art supplies, scrap fabric, thread, balloons etc. All great items that can be used in crafts or art projects. 

Use your Network

Email your contact list, co-workers, parents etc. Reach out with supplies you are needing and say you are accepting donations of these items. You would be surprised how many people are willing to look through their cupboards and drawers and donate items they don’t have a use for. 

In addition to the recyclables listed above you might consider asking for the following items.

Feel free to copy/paste this list to ask for the supplies you are looking for.

Hi everyone,

I am looking for some art supplies to use this year at ______________ with grades ___________. All donations are appreciated! 

Here is a list of what we are looking for:

  • Old buttons and beads

  • String, ribbon

  • Scraps of fabric 

  • Any old drawing, colouring or painting supplies you no longer have a need for 

  • Old magazines, books or puzzles 

  • Old dinky cars (to paint with) 

  • Fake flowers 

  • Pine cones and acorns 

  • Straws 

  • Tissue paper or old streamers 

  • Old balloons 

Thank you! 

I hope you found these tips on how to get art supplies for free! Be sure to follow me on social media by clicking on one of the icons below!