First Day Activities for Elementary Students

First day activities for elementary students should be about having fun and easing into classroom routines while building a sense of community within the classroom. Remember that students were off for a couple of months during the summer and they are no longer used to routines. If you are a new teacher for your students you have to build a sense of trust and a great way to do that is through building community. 

When students feel like they belong and they are part of a community, they trust you, they respect you, they listen better and there are less class conflicts and behavioral issues. 

First Day Activities for Elementary Students - Establish Routines and Rules

It’s good to establish routines as a first day activity for elementary students. This way students know from the start what are your expectations for behaviour. I like to start by giving a tour of the classroom and showing where items are located while explaining any rules or routines related to those items or to the classroom environment. 

Then I will talk about my expectations. Then we make a class contract and brainstorm as a community the rules we want to follow related to my expectations. Here are some that they come up with: 

  • Respect others

  • Listen to the person who is talking 

  • Speak nicely 

  • No hitting, kicking etc. 

  • Be kind 

  • Have fun etc. 

If I feel like something is missing I can hint at it. If It is my second year teaching that group of kids I can refer to the agreement from last year to see if anything should be added or changed. It is important that everyone signs the paper. It is a paper that is displayed at the front of the room. It also helps that they come up with the ideas and that it is written in their own words so they feel a sense of ownership. 

Download FREE symmetry here for grades 4-6!

Here is a FREE version of rules for the art room if you are an art teacher you can download these posters here! 

first day activities for elementary students

First Day Activities for Elementary Students - Community Activities 

Here are some ideas to help build community on the first day of school:

  • Create a class mural or art piece that can hang in the room 

  • Spend time getting to know your students and for them to know each other. Even if they all know each other it is important. You can play get to know you BINGO or look up other get to know you games or name games online

  • Solve a puzzle or search for a team building initiative online to try 

  • Give students a chance to brainstorm ideas and collaborate - “what do you want to learn this year?” “What events should we plan for the school?” “What afterschool activities do you want to do?” “Are there any field trips you want to do?” This makes students feel valued and like they a part of a community.

Fun First Day Activities

Here is the link to purchase the back to school colouring pages. Students love them, and it is a great filler for the down time that happens during the first week of school! 

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