Happy Holidays 2022

Happy Holidays 2022 to you! 2022 was a great year. Thank you for being a part of this journey with me! I wish you all a Happy Holidays 2022 and wishing you health and happiness in 2023! 

This is also a great time to reflect on the year and think about all of your wins and the wonderful moments that took place this year! 

happy holidays 2022

Happy Holidays 2022 - You Matter!

Thank you for being here. For reading my blog posts. Watching my YouTube videos and liking my social media posts. Each time you do it motivates me, supports me and cheers me on. That is special and so meaningful to me! 

Thank you for all that you do and for supporting me in this journey!

Take a moment to show your support by doing one or all of the following:

Join my mailing list by downloading my FREE painting guide if you are not already on it! 

If you are a teacher you can follow me on Teachers Pay Teachers! 

You can download my Free Teachers Pay Teachers products by heading to my shop and clicking on the free category on the left hand side! 

The Holidays Can be a Hard Time!

I understand that the holidays can be a difficult time as well as a busy or stressful time. Make sure you take some time to rest and relax during this time.

Make sure you take time to yourself to recharge and refresh. 

Here are some ideas to refresh during the holiday season: 

  • Take a bubble bath

  • Watch your favourite movie 

  • Read a good book

  • Go for a walk 

  • Call a friend or see them

  • Sleep in

  • Enjoy a hobby like sewing, cooking or baking 

  • Complete a painting or make some art, even if it’s bad! 

Most importantly make sure you relax and rest! 

Wishing you all a Happy Holidays 2022! 

Thanks for being here! 

happy holidays 2022