2022 a Year in Review

2022 was a great year, here is my 2022 a year in review. Check out my year in review by reading below!

Here is my 2022 a Year in Review

Milestones of 2022 in my Art Business

2022 a year in review Jackie Partridge

Here Are Some FREE Ways To Support Me (If You Aren’t Doing Them Already)

2022 A Year in Review - What will I be working on in 2023?

I plan to continue to grow my YouTube channel and Teachers Pay Teachers Store.  I hope to participate in more art markets, maybe 3-5. I will be applying to larger grants to receive funding for my art. I will continue to apply to more art exhibitions and publications for my art.  

We hope to start a family and buy a house this year. I would love to be able to work on my art on a part time basis or a full time basis. 

Thank you so much for all of your support and being here on this journey - I’m excited to go bigger in 2023. 

Here’s to health, wealth and happiness in 2023! We are also excited to announce that we are welcoming our first child in May 2023!

Follow me on these platforms below to stay connected! Thank you for supporting me in this journey!