Life of a Artist

There are different types of artists out there. To decide the life of a artist you need to decide the type of artist that you wish to be. Read more about the life of a artist below! 

Life of a artist 

As an artist I am also a teacher. I work as a teacher full time. Being a teacher full time has helped me to develop consistent and stable income while figuring out the art that I like to make and how I can make money consistently from my artwork. 

When I am not teaching I work on making art and in my art business. These gaps happen on weekends, during the summer and Christmas and March break. 

Life of a artist - the tasks 

Here are some examples of different tasks I do to support myself being an artist and running an art business:

  • Making art  (this doesn’t actually happen as much as I would like it to) 

  • Growing my mailing list and sending emails 

  • Updating my website 

  • Taking photos of my art 

  • Editing photos

  • Planning and posting social media posts 

  • Planning and filming YouTube videos (my husband edits them)

  • Uploading YouTube videos, writing the descriptions and making the graphics 

  • Marketing and advertising my art and art exhibitions 

  • Applying to exhibitions and grants 

  • Writing about my art 

  • Planning exhibitions and new artworks 

  • Researching and learning new skills related to art or business 

  • Finding inspiration like going for a hike, walking or camping 

  • Buying art supplies 

  • Framing art 

  • Shipping art 

  • Installing art in galleries for exhibitions 

  • Creating art to sell

  • Creating art products or prints to sell 

  • Writing descriptions for products to sell

  • Writing poetry about my art 

  • Deciding art titles 

  • Posting my art on Pinterest 

  • Making networking relationships to benefit my art 

  • Writing blog posts about art 

  • Staying healthy and sleeping so I have the energy to make art and get everything done! 

life of a artist

This is just a small list of the life of a artist. As you can imagine, I don’t spend as much time as I would like to painting or making art. Being an artist is about finding balance and making priorities for what you care about. 

You can follow me on social media by clicking on one of the icons below!