How to Design Your Montessori Children’s House

How to design your Montessori children's house? I will show you how to plan and design your house using the Montessori philosophies to help educate your children in the Montessori way. Below are some suggestions for setting up your Montessori children’s house/rooms that your children will use. 

How to Design your Montessori Children's House 

The Playroom/Bedroom


In Montessori, items, toys, clothes should be accessible to the child. This includes the furniture. Children should be able to access toys, books and clothes independently, without assistance. Therefore furniture needs to carefully chosen or step stools can be added to make the furniture more accessible to the child. 

montessori children’s house

Rotation of Toys

Montessori believes that toys and educational materials are displayed on open shelving in bins, baskets or trays so that the toys can be easily seen by the child and accessible. If there is too many toys or clutter the child won’t play with them all or know what is there. Toys can be donated when they are no longer needed; they can also be stored in boxes and rotated so that the cold has fresh toys to play with and isn’t getting bored of their toys. 

Educational materials and lifestyle toys 

Montessori often teaches children life skills and the toys or materials they play with can do the teaching. Toys that use numbers and letters can help a child with spelling, writing, counting, etc. They’re opportunities for a child to learn daily.  children learn through play, so their toys should reflect this. Educational toys don’t need to be for school or to be boring, they can be fun too! 

It is also good to limit clutter and reduce toys so kids have more room for creativity. Consider open-ended toys, invitations to create with art supplies, sensory play, and having a toy rotation every couple of weeks or at least once a month.

Natural Elements 

Natural elements like wood, baskets, ceramic and stones are often incorporated in Montessori as a way to teach about the environment and how to care for it. Plants and gardening opportunities are an easy way to teach about the environment too. You can set up a small herb garden or have plants your child can help you water. You can put water in a spray bottle so plants like succulents aren’t overwatered. 


Montessori believes that children learn best when their environment is organized and beautiful. Items like baskets, rugs, tapestries and art help add beauty to your home. You can purchase some of my original art for your home here! 

You can purchase some of my art prints and printed items like pillows here! 

With these five basic Montessori philosophies you can start integrating them into your home to help your children learn through play! I hope you feel more confident in how to design your montessori children's house. 

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