Painting of a Watermelon for Kids!

This painting of a watermelon is the perfect summer painting activity for kids to do! Learn how to paint a watermelon with these easy steps. This painting of a watermelon is easy enough for kids age 7 and up to do! Try this painting of a watermelon below! 

Painting of a Watermelon- the Materials

-Canvas or canvas board 

-Cup of water


-Cloth rag

-Acrylic Paint - cadmium red, mars black, titanium white, cadmium yellow, cobalt blue, permanent green light (optional)

-a bowl to trace the shape 

-flat one inch brush

-round detail brush

-round #6 brush

-coloured chalk

How to Paint a Watermelon

Painting of a Watermelon- Steps 

Step 1: Paint the Background

Start by tracing your watermelon shape with a round bowl and a piece of coloured chalk. On top of the curved line you drew you can paint your background colour. You can choose any colour you would like but you want to make sure your red watermelon stands out (so don’t choose red). 

I chose a light blue for my background colour by mixing cobalt blue and titanium white together. You want to paint a couple of coats of your background colour. 

Step 2: Paint the Rind of the Watermelon

You can paint the rind of the watermelon in a dark green just add some extra blue or black to your green paint or mix yellow and blue and add some extra black or blue. You can paint in your number 6 round brush. Make sure you have enough paint on your brush to get a nice smooth line. 

Step 3: Paint the Watermelon

With some cadmium red and your number 6 brush you can paint in the watermelon. You will want to paint two coats. Leave a centimetre of space from the rind to the watermelon that you will later paint white once the watermelon has dried. 

You can add in a bit of orange by mixing red and yellow to your watermelon in some areas. Once your watermelon has dried you can add the white part of the rind by mixing a small bit of black to your titanium white or a small bit of green in the space you left next to the watermelon. You can blend the white part of the rind overtop of the watermelon.

Step 4: Paint the Seeds 

Using a round detail brush you can use some mars black paint or mix a dark brown paint to paint the watermelon seeds. You are going to put some paint on your brush and then dab it off creating a seed shape that is round at one end and has a point on the other. You can add as many seeds as you would like just make sure to spread them out randomly to make them look more realistic. 

I hope you enjoyed this easy painting of a watermelon! You can watch How to Paint a Watermelon by clicking on the video below!

If you liked this kids painting tutorial, you can check out my kids painting playlist by clicking on the button below! 

In this 12 page guide I share painting supplies you need to get started, 10 common mistakes beginner painters make and how you can avoid them and recommended tutorials as a roadmap of what to watch next. 

Just click on the button below to download the FREE guide!