Small Art Studio Ideas

I have a small art studio and want to share some small art studio ideas that help you make the most out of the space that you have. Here are some small art studio ideas to get you thinking about when creating your art studio space!  

Small Art Studio Ideas

Creating a Plan for Your Small Art Studio

I have had a lot of small studio spaces in the past. It can be challenging to make a small studio work. A lot of the time a small studio can just become a dumping ground for art and art supplies with limited room to actually make art. The key to having a small studio space that works is to create a plan for the space first. 

Begin by getting some paper and a pen and creating a map or floor plan of the space you have chosen for your studio. You will also want to plan what you will use the space for. Consider the lighting or windows in the space -that area might be better to produce art. Then think about the darker area of the space- that might be better for storage.

Next you can begin to plan where you want the furniture to go starting with larger pieces like desks and tables first. 

Storage in Small Art Studios 

Before setting up things, think about where you will be storing art supplies and where you will be storing finished pieces of art. Consider shopping for some storage solutions like shelves, rolling carts, bins, containers, baskets etc. Since it’s an art studio you can also choose beautiful pieces like glass ware or vases that can serve as functional storage containers for art supplies. 

Small Art Studio Ideas - Work Space 

Next, think about how you like working. Do you prefer sitting or standing? Do you need a desk or a table? How much space do you need? Do you prefer working in natural light? These are all questions to consider when planning your studio space. 

My Art Studio

For me I like working with natural light. I have two desks positioned under the windows in my studio. I have one table set up with my sewing machine with a cart under the table for sewing supplies. Another table is set up with painting supplies on another cart. On another wall I have a third desk for admin tasks that has my computer and notebook with pens. 

On the back wall away from the light, I have three shelves set up. Two shelves have different art supplies organized in baskets and one shelf has old canvases and old art work labelled. 

Other Tips for A Small Art Studio

  • Spend time going though your art supplies and keeping an inventory of what you have and what you need so you are not buying extra 

  • Agree to keep your space clean - maybe you clean the space each day when you are done working 

  • Go through clutter and only keep studio items in the studio

  • Make your studio comfortable so you want to spend time there - consider adding plants, a tea station, inspiration, a soft rug or a comfortable chair

If you have found these tips helpful be sure to comment below and connect with me on social media by clicking on one of the icons below.