Why are Sketchbooks Important?

Why are sketchbooks important? I will give you some reasons below why everyone should use a sketchbook especially kids! Keep reading to learn why are sketchbooks important. Using a sketchbook consistently has a lot of benefits not only for your art practice but for your mental and emotional health too!

What is a Sketchbook?

A sketchbook is a book or pad of blank paper where you can write and draw ideas. You can practice and develop your art and drawing skills. You can sketch and draw rough copies and plan your art projects. In a sketchbook there is freedom as drawings do not need to look “finished” or “perfect.” Your sketchbook can be like a journal or diary. It can stay private and you don’t have to show it to anyone if you don’t want to. Therefore, it can be a great place to express yourself and write or draw how you are feeling. 

why are sketchbooks important

Why are Sketchbooks Important?

There are many benefits to keeping a sketchbook. A lot of these benefits are easier to attain if you use a sketchbook on a consistent basis.

You can develop your art/drawing and  practice new skills

In a sketchbook, the work doesn’t need to be perfect. It can be used to experiment, play with materials/techniques and practice your drawing skills. You don’t need to only use pencil either, you can use all kinds of media like pen, watercolour, markers, ink, collage, or paint. If you are using materials that use water or are liquid like inks and paints you can purchase a sketchbook that has thicker paper like a mixed media sketchbook or a book for painting. 

You can let go of perfection 

When you let go of perfection and the need for your art to be precise, realistic and perfect you can begin to play, let loose and explore. It can be hard to make “perfect drawings” all the time. It is also a lot of pressure that you can be putting on yourself. You can let your sketchbook be a private space where you can explore and have fun! 

why are sketchbooks important

You can express yourself and use it as a tool to process your emotions

When you are going through hard times, your sketchbook can be a place where you express your emotions. Sometimes it’s too hard to label your feelings or communicate how or why you are feeling a certain way. Drawing in a sketchbook can help you process trauma or difficult experiences. 

You can use it as a record or journal 

You can treat your sketchbook like a journal and date each page if you want. There are no rules! You can record what you do in the studio each day, record any tests, experiments and the process and materials you used to attain those results. Recording information like this can be helpful because then when you flip through the pages later on, you can remember the process. 


You can develop ideas and be creative 

I like to use my sketchbook to plan out my ideas. I often will do a quick, rough thumbnail sketch. I keep my sketches small and label anything important so I remember my ideas for later. Whenever I create a new project I always draw out a quick sketch first. Doing this helps me to decide what materials I should use, how big the piece should be and how I should display the work. Sometimes, I even come up with title ideas when I do this. 

How to Use Sketchbooks in the Classroom

If you are an art teacher I know you know why are sketchbooks important. It helps to really explain these reasons to your students so they understand. Often, students just want to get started and begin creating but it is important for them to follow the creative process and begin with planning and brainstorming ideas first before creating. Getting your students to use their sketchbooks daily is a great habit for them to get into. 

I have made drawing prompts for high school students and I have included a page about what a sketchbook is with some great drawing prompts for them. You can check it out by clicking the button below! 

why are sketchbooks important